Total number of companies assessed for each commodity appears in parentheses.
Note: many companies are assessed for more than one commodity.
Bold commitments to decouple commodity production from tropical deforestation are on the rise. These have included major collective commitments since 2010 by the Consumer Goods Forum on behalf of its more than 400 members, and by 40 countries and 57 companies and financial institutions in their New York Declaration on Forests. Equally important are the steps being taken by numerous actors to map out their own individual paths towards removing deforestation risk from their jurisdictions, supply chains and financial portfolios.
The third annual Forest 500 report asks the fundamental question: to what degree are the most influential actors in the global palm oil, soya, cattle product and timber product supply chains committing to address deforestation? Through a systematic analysis of the 250 companies, 150 financial institutions and 50 national and subnational jurisdictions selected for inclusion in the Forest 500, this report reveals not only whether these powerbrokers have established policies to address deforestation, but also whether their policies are robust enough to produce meaningful change on the ground.
Read more here.