In 2005, only about a fifth of Indonesia’s timber trade was legal. But today, after interventions by the UK and other partners, 100% of exports are
Author: Bart W van Assen
R | Indonesian president orders permanent solution to forest fires
“Find a solution, a more permanent one against economic-motivated forest fires because according to reports I have received, 99% of forest fires wer
ECO | Soya’s deadly secret
Meeting the UK’s huge demand for soya requires nearly 1.5 million hectares of land, which is larger than Northern Ireland. The large majority of
IF | Sustainable cocoa: a manifesto for change
Such a fundamental change is not going to take place quickly. Nor can it be achieved by company sustainability programmes or procurement standards on
TG | The eco gender gap: why is saving the planet seen as women’s work?
Given the devastating toll of consumer waste on the health of the planet, you may find this visible drive towards sustainability on supermarket shelve
TE | Soya’s deadly secret
In 2018, nearly 70 percent of UK soya imports - two million tonnes - was in the form of soya meal – its primary purpose for animal feed. Read mor
GMP | Zero Deforestation in Indonesia: Pledges, Politics and Palm Oil
Additional efforts include regulations on land-use planning, the management and protection of peatlands, and the One Map Initiative, which aims to dev
SA | Orangutans Are Hanging On in the Same Palm Oil Plantations That Displace Them
If orangutans that take up residence in plantations and near farms are to be left there, conservationists will need to overcome the fact that many peo
Geotagging boundary markers
Going out today to sample the coordinates of boundary markers again and support the Land Registry to approve them later today. Interesting to see that
Santosa et al 2020 Is it True that Oil Palm Plantations are the Main Driver of Indonesia’s Tropical Forest Deforestation?
75% of oil palm plantations (originating from the type of land cover in the form of shrubs, vacant land, community fields/gardens) [is] rehabilitation