ISPO audit teams should consist of auditors who understand licensing requirements, palm oil plantations, good management practices, occupational
Author: Bart W van Assen
IUCN | Assessment Sheet RSPO Assurance
This means that the auditor or verifier is free from conflict of interest, independent of the activity being audited and independent in providing, sus
JP | More progress needed on palm oil sustainability: Experts
What the EU people want is sustainable palm oil. So it’s a supply and demand [matter]. If there are sustainable palm oil products from Indonesia, we
DW | What happens to palm oil farmers in Malaysia?
Deforestation concerns have prompted the EU to ban palm oil as biofuel by 2030. Small-scale farmers in Malaysia are up in arms about the EU's decision
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Last year, UK-based supermarket Iceland Foods was the first to pledge to remove palm oil from all of its house brand products before the end of the ye
Solidar | Palm Oil Report
Solidar Suisse conducted a field survey in two plantations in the state of Sabah. By interviewing dozens of workers, it was possible to draw u
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CIFOR | Scientists on Indonesia’s polluting haze
“If you are poor, then using fire to clear land for agricultural use is economically rational,” Purnomo says. “We calculated that it costs aroun
knowable | What do sustainability labels really mean?
Just buying certified products and pushing for more stringent standards helps. Consider coffee: Only 25 percent of the coffee that's produced under so
2.-0 LCA | Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of RSPO-certified and Non-certified Palm Oil
It is concluded that the three most significant environmental impacts associated with the production of both certified and non-certified palm oil are