The disastrous environmental effects of unsustainable palm oil production has ‘demonised’ the commodity for consumers. Is soy, which is similarly
Author: Bart W van Assen
Six Honest Serving Men – a rapid appraisal of three sustainability standards for oil palm estates
Today, numerous TPC initiatives are active in verifying the sustainable management of natural resources. Commodities now verified against sustainable
Eco-Business | Palm oil giants unite to tackle human rights challenges in Indonesia
Women have also been reported to be disproportionately affected by workers’ rights violations, as they typically make up the invisible workforce tha
Hutan Kita Bersawit – Gagasan Penyelesaian untuk Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit dalam Kawasan Hutan
An excellent resource reference on oil palm in Indonesia is now available, still in Indonesian only. Worthwhile the download even if you don't speak I
Bloomberg | Palm Oil Importers Won’t Meet Zero Deforestation Goals by 2020
Multiple importers noted that their experiences with personal care and household product manufacturers were different to those in the food industry, w
NC | non·con·form·i·ty
Coming soon: a (bi-)weekly(?) blog on third party certification and sustainability; bear with me as I find a workable format for a regular blog/vlog.
Sapiens | The Truth About “Sustainable” Palm Oil
A Marind elder named Pius points out that in so-called sustainable palm oil projects, conservation scientists from outside the area who “have never
EDGE | Palm oil firms tackling deforestation seen giving better returns
The palm oil industry is facing intensified scrutiny from environmental groups and consumers, amid allegations clearing land for the crop destroys tro
AFP | Big brands breaking pledge to not destroy forests: report
Bob Watson, chair of the UN's IPBES biodiversity panel that warned in April that one million species are threatened with extinction, said in a forewor
Jupiter gazing
Some simple #Jupiter gazing two hours ago...