Greenpeace believes that palm oil can be produced responsibly. Palm oil production has been part of the livelihoods of local communities in Asia and A
Author: Bart W van Assen
Kawasan Hutan
State Forest Land, Central-Kalimantan, Indonesia (2010)
Can forest conservation and logging be reconciled?
Hmmm, photoshopping satellite imagery to make it look "greener" - and suggesting there's virgin "rainforest" there - is a known issue. Using outdated
Happy steps
carved stairs in a local village, Indonesia (2009)
Hudoq Kawit
One of the most impressive celebrations in Kalimantan is the Hudoq Kawit. I was fortunate enough to see it deep in the heart of Borneo in 2011. It sti
Flying Fox?
Telen River, East-Kalimantan, Indonesia (2011)
0or0 | The Oil For Apes Scandal
Palm oil, a vegetable fat is extracted from the fruit of palm trees is treated and used for a variety of products including many processed foods, biod
Tidy soles
Long Bangun, East-Kalimantan, Indonesia (2003)
Auditing HCV for FSC & RSPO, Key issues and indicators for auditors
[caption id="attachment_843" align="alignright" width="300"] Presentation for the CUC WebEx Training, 19 & 22 November 2010[/caption] Read more
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