Third-party certification (TPC) is a service industry that verifies products and processes such as food safety and quality; good management practices;
Author: Bart W van Assen
Auditing HCV in oil palm, Applying a tool for natural forests in man-made environs
[caption id="attachment_840" align="alignright" width="300"] Presentation for the RSPO HCV Lead Assessor Workshop and Training, 27-29 July 2010[/capti
Mad Travel: the Mahakam River, Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Audit: Logging Practices
Belayan River Timber, East-Kalimantan, Indonesia (2010)
How Low Can You Go? Identifying and Maintaining HCV in Estate Crops
[caption id="attachment_832" align="alignright" width="300"] Presentation for the Conference on Sustainable Oil Palm Plantations, 21-22 January 2010[/
Timber Tracking Requirements for Independent Verification and Certification
[caption id="attachment_837" align="alignright" width="300"] Presentation for ‘The Lacey Act Amendment and Forest Product Trade with Indonesia’ Wo
Welcome to the Jungle, Lessons learned from timber legality verification in Indonesia (2009)
Read more here.
Bart’s Law: Pecel Ayam Bonex 69, Bogor (Indonesia)
Ever wondered why the nasi goreng tasted like s&%t in Manjare, ever got the s&%t from eating at Bogor Permai? Been there, done that! My culin
REDD, Green or White? Exploring REDD from the perspective of responsible and legal forestry
Background paper prepared for the AFP Secretariat for the Eighth Meeting of the Asia Forest Partnership and AFP Dialogue in Bali, Indonesia. Read m
Independent | The guilty secrets of palm oil: Are you unwittingly contributing to the devastation of the rain forests?
What, then, is "unsustainable" palm oil? Step one: log a forest and remove the most valuable species for furniture. Step two: chainsaw or burn the rem