You need to realise that saying no to palm oil means saying yes to something else read more here
Author: Bart W van Assen
PLANET | Norway’s International Climate and Forests Initiative Imagery Program
Through Norway’s International Climate & Forests Initiative, anyone can now access Planet’s high-resolution, analysis-ready mosaics of the wor
The Flower Farm: een beetje boter in het kuipje maar vooral veel op het hoofd
shea boter biedt geen oplossing voor de degradatie/conversie van intact regenwoud
PLOSONE | The historical range and drivers of decline of the Tapanuli orangutan
A combination of historical fragmentation of forest habitats, mostly for small-scale agriculture, and unsustainable hunting likely drove various popul
GEOGRAPHICAL | Spotlight on…Sabah, Malaysia – the last pocket of abundance
It’s pretty bad. We’ve come to a point where palm oil has been catastrophic for wildlife and rainforest read more here
EB | The missing link in palm oil sustainability is trust: Musim Mas supply chain chief Olivier Tichit
We spend a lot of time discussing what is a perfect commitment or achievement, but very little time is spent discussing how to get there and that leav
FULCRUM | The Value(s) of Palm Oil
It was planted not only on logged-over areas but also on marginal lands, bringing these so-called “waste” lands into production read more here
SEAS | The Institutional Environment of the Palm Oil Value Chain and Its Impact on Community Development in Kapuas Hulu, Indonesia
This study thus helps present a more nuanced analysis of community engagement with palm oil and the processes driving contemporary agrarian change Re
SciDevNet | Palm oil alternatives require more land – study
You need to realise that saying no to palm oil means saying yes to something else Read more here.
EVIDENSIA | Voluntary standards and FPIC: Insights for improving implementation
the aim is to draw practical lessons and insights from existing literature to inform the development of sustainability standards specifically for the