"This trial shows that our refinery and catalysts are ready. Next, we have to think how to make the economic side work too," Pertamina CEO Nicke Widya
Author: Bart W van Assen
SciTotEnv | Certified “sustainable” palm oil took the place of endangered Bornean and Sumatran large mammals habitat and tropical forests in the last 30 years
This study adopted an unprecedented historical perspective over a 30-year time series. Remotely sensed imagery (1984–2020) of Sumatra and Bor
Reccy #2169 Beyond Blue Boots
Great reccy, close to the planned track, but with a few very nice surprises.
Rehash #2166 No Permit Obtained
An excellent long run, set by #DrunkenPanda at The Cliff Cluster BNR, led the hounds though a variety of rice fields, upland crops and villages. Some
MB | It’s time to rein in the industries devouring the world’s last standing forests (commentary)
As for us? If we want to avoid blackouts and blood-red skies, it’s time we end our addiction to endless consumption and realize our future is tied t
TCE | In Praise of Complexity
And one last thing. Deforestation continues unabated, Soya and Beef are the main drivers, far before Oil Palm cultivation. Read more here.
DTI | Widespread damage to Southeast Asia’s peatlands confirmed in satellite study
Ninety per cent of the peatlands examined are sinking - on average by 2.24cm a year and up to 5cm in some areas. It means these carbon-rich areas are
DNB | Indebted to Nature – exploring biodiversity risks for the Dutch financial sector
Biodiversity loss is a driver of financial risks. Financial institutions have material exposures to risks resulting from biodiversity loss.
Rehash #2165 Count the Ponds and Lakes
A pleasurable albeit too long run. Zigzagging the bunds of dozens of fish ponds doesn't facilitate running. But so, so good to be out with friends aga
Heated | The Problems With Palm Oil Don’t Start With My Recipes
The focus of the palm oil debate so far has been to make regions on the other side of the globe the first to be implicated for the crimes of an indust