Savage Nobles – Body Shaming

Savage Nobles – Body Shaming

My colleagues at Orangutan Land Trust forwarded me a hilarious tweet by Fluffy Orca (right) that tries to body-shame me for dressing up silly. If all it takes for a bunch of poor tweeps to get excited is sharing a silly photograph of me, then I’m all for it! I’ll even throw in the photo of me in a dress (below). That’ll get them salivating like a bunch of rabid dogs.

BogorHHH Run #1217 (Fool Moon Run)

The photograph above was taken during a run set by the Bogor Hash House Harriers, as was the photograph Fluffy shares amongst her tweeps (right). Both runs were quite memorable, and I’ll never be ashamed of the good times I had on these and many other runs with the Bogor HHH!

P.S. I strongly deny any involvement in and/or attendance of the Naked Valentine Day Run the BogorHHH did or didn’t set during a sweltering hash weekend on Pulau Panjang!

P.S.S. More “shameful” photographs of me to follow soon. Check-back (pun intended) regularly!

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