This means that the auditor or verifier is free from conflict of interest, independent of the activity being audited and independent in providing, sus
Category: blog
JP | More progress needed on palm oil sustainability: Experts
What the EU people want is sustainable palm oil. So it’s a supply and demand [matter]. If there are sustainable palm oil products from Indonesia, we
DW | What happens to palm oil farmers in Malaysia?
Deforestation concerns have prompted the EU to ban palm oil as biofuel by 2030. Small-scale farmers in Malaysia are up in arms about the EU's decision
Raise Vegan | Palm Oil: Is Saying No The Solution?
Last year, UK-based supermarket Iceland Foods was the first to pledge to remove palm oil from all of its house brand products before the end of the ye
Solidar | Palm Oil Report
Solidar Suisse conducted a field survey in two plantations in the state of Sabah. By interviewing dozens of workers, it was possible to draw u
AOG | Indonesian palm oil: “When we lost the forest, we lost everything”
“Indonesia’s Indigenous communities have suffered significant harm since losing their lush ancestral forests to oil palm plantations,” said Juli
CIFOR | Scientists on Indonesia’s polluting haze
“If you are poor, then using fire to clear land for agricultural use is economically rational,” Purnomo says. “We calculated that it costs aroun
knowable | What do sustainability labels really mean?
Just buying certified products and pushing for more stringent standards helps. Consider coffee: Only 25 percent of the coffee that's produced under so
2.-0 LCA | Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of RSPO-certified and Non-certified Palm Oil
It is concluded that the three most significant environmental impacts associated with the production of both certified and non-certified palm oil are
PNAS | Market-mediated responses confound policies to limit deforestation from oil palm expansion in Malaysia and Indonesia
The global demand for palm oil has grown rapidly over the past several decades. Much of the output expansion has occurred in carbon- and biodiversity-