Several leading environment charities say the rules aren't strict enough and the sanctions aren't strong enough. A recent report by the International
Category: blog
JP | Auditors’ findings weaken Indonesia’s defense of palm oil industry
Senior BPK auditor Rizal Djalil did not elaborate on the discovery when talking to the media last Friday but revealed that almost all big plantation c
Science | Reducing tropical deforestation
Primary tropical forests continue to be lost at high rates, with disturbing consequences for biodiversity, climate change, and the rights and liveliho
Mongabay | 81% of Indonesia’s oil palm plantations flouting regulations, audit finds
The various violations include plantations that are larger than permitted, non-compliance with the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standard, an
RSPO Joint Workshop: Growers & Conformity Assessment Bodies
Growers and CABs supporting the RSPO in-kind through feedback on the 'RSPO Certifications Systems for Principles & Criteria'. A very intensive pro
Reuters | Fearing tobacco’s fate, palm oil industry fights back
The eco-colonialists have turned to a scorched earth approach of junk science and faulty logic: they label palm oil as the new tobacco. Read more her
Paia | Sustainable Palm Oil – Not an Oxymoron
While most express anger and demand reforms from the industrial plantation owners, many will be surprised to know that the palm oil industry is not do
Course: Sustainable Biomass Program
Thoroughly enjoyed the training on Sustainable Biomass Program provided by Simon Armstrong over the last few days.
AN | Tesso Nilo’s elephants show signs of stress due to forest fire
"The elephants have shown a change in behavior, because the fire has made them uncomfortable," chief of the Flying Squad Team, Erwin Daulay, told Anta
JP | Riau Police name palm oil corporation as forest fire suspect
Riau Police chief Insp. Gen. Widodo Eko Prihastopo said the police decided to name the company the suspect after gathering enough evidence and stateme