Environmental activists say they fear for what’s left of Indonesia’s tropical rainforests, following a fiery call by President Joko Widodo threate
Category: blog
Palm Oil Shill
It's official, Twitter #golemite "exposes" Orangutan Land Trust and myself to be palm oil #shills, because ... reasons. https://twitter.com/Vanessa
Van Oerbosch Tot Cultuurgebied
It's always fun to find little gems like this one in the antique books shop. So much interesting information that provide more context to local commod
UNEP-WCMC | Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)
IBAT brings together three of the world’s most authoritative global nature datasets: the World Database on Protected Areas, the International Union
PHYS | No, palm oil is not responsible for 40% of global deforestation
In just Indonesia, 25 million hectares of forest were lost, of which 7.5 million hectares were used for agricultural production. Of these 7.5 million
WOL | Conversion of rainforest to oil palm and rubber plantations alters energy channels in soil food webs
Conversion of rainforests into rubber and oil palm plantations alters energy channels in the soil food web as shown by different composition of biomar
FD | 12 Modal Mengelola Hutan Secara Lestari
Mungkin karena jawaban atas pertanyaan itu berada di luar domain kehutanan, sehingga logika bahwa “keberhasilan perlu modal” itu tidak harus diket
IF | Are there really any alternatives to palm oil?
Rape and sunflower plants can be cultivated in regions that do not face the threat of tropical deforestation in the same way that palm does. But expan
IFPRI | The palm oil dilemma: Policy tensions among higher productivity, rising demand, and deforestation
Palm oil production has increased rapidly over the past two decades in response to rising demand for its use in food, energy, and industrial appli
Mongabay | Can jurisdictional certification curb palm oil deforestation in Indonesia?
Although the negative social and environmental effects of oil palm expansion reflect a failure of decentralized governance, local governments have not