Ever wondered why the nasi goreng tasted like s&%t in Manjare, ever got the s&%t from eating at Bogor Permai? Been there, done that! My culin
Category: blog
REDD, Green or White? Exploring REDD from the perspective of responsible and legal forestry
Background paper prepared for the AFP Secretariat for the Eighth Meeting of the Asia Forest Partnership and AFP Dialogue in Bali, Indonesia. Read m
Independent | The guilty secrets of palm oil: Are you unwittingly contributing to the devastation of the rain forests?
What, then, is "unsustainable" palm oil? Step one: log a forest and remove the most valuable species for furniture. Step two: chainsaw or burn the rem
HCV Toolkit 2008 Appendices
12-kalimantan-ecosystem-proxy-hcv-toolkit-2008-0-5d 13-sumatra-ecosystem-proxy-hcv-toolkit-2008-0-5d 14-kalimantan-biophysiographic-regi
Bart’s Law: Soto Padang Kobana, Bogor (Indonesia)
Ever wondered why the nasi goreng tasted like s&%t in Manjare, ever got the s&%t from eating at Bogor Permai? Been there, done that! My culin
Book Review: Label Hijau, Kompilasi Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman Sertifikasi Ekolabel di Indonesia
By Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia, July 2005 Roughly translated, the title of this publication reads: ‘Green Label, a Compilation of Knowledge and Expe
Diamond Raya Timber Concession: Diamonds are forever? (2005)
The Minister of Forestry should cancel the concession permit of PT Diamond Raya Timber and the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute must revoke its certi
Global Forest & Trade Network footage
LEI Patronage, partnership for sustainable future
PDF available here.
Innovations in the post-harvest sector (2000, scanned)
PDF available here.