One of my vices: I love old maps and studies... so much can be learned from old data sources yet so few are willing to take the time. The amount of mi
Category: parallax
the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer
Human in Oil (DOCSFAIR 2019)
It was very satisfying to support Andhika Rutten, Belgin Inal and their team during the making of 'Human in Oil'. Looking forward to its premiere at t
Changing Times | Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is ‘greenwashing’ labelled products, environmental protection agency says
Trustee of the Indonesian Auditor Network Bart W. van Assen said that the authors of the new report are failing to grasp the fundamentally different r
Van Oerbosch Tot Cultuurgebied
It's always fun to find little gems like this one in the antique books shop. So much interesting information that provide more context to local commod
NC| Grappling the Golemites
Readers beware! Search for #palmoil or #RSPO on Facebook or Twitter and you immediately get sucked down a rabbit hole of “palm oil is bad”. The oc
NC | non·con·form·i·ty
Coming soon: a (bi-)weekly(?) blog on third party certification and sustainability; bear with me as I find a workable format for a regular blog/vlog.