Hard-core flerfer Jack "Humpty" Dunphy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClchUlR1KQErN_WdNb0IPHg) decided to reply to my comments on a YouTube video b
Category: publication
Certification VS Conservation in Natural Resource Management (Guest Lecture IPB University, ESL)
In late 1990, the Smartwood Programme (Smartwood) of the Rainforest Alliance was the first forestry certification initiative to award a certificate in
Lessons Learned from Mandatory Certification (Tantangan dan Rekomendasi Langkah Bersama menuju Keberpihakan Uni Eropa terhadap ISPO)
Indonesia has ample experience with attempts to create synergy between various standards, with a very simple conclusion: standards are like water and
Commodity-driven Deforestation in Indonesia (FGD “Respon dan Posisi Indonesia terhadap Draft Delegated Regulation Uni Europa”)
EU 2019 Report … on the status of production expansion of relevant food and feed crops worldwide (draft) Indicates that 10-30% tree cover is
Here Be Dragons?
Background Paper for The World Indonesianist Forum 2018 About two years ago I ran my own, self-imposed, social experiment... one I don’t encourage
Panduan – Bagaimana Merancang Hash Ala Bogor HHH?
After years and years of diligent work, Spokes' How To Set a Bogor Hash has finally been translated and revised. Special thanks to BlackJack, CaveMan,
The Cost of Certification, a Brief
Coming soon! Dotting the iii and crossing the ttt... some very interesting results.
Riparian flight: fly-by and transect of riparian forest in Papua (Indonesia)
Refleksi Sertifikasi Perangsang Diskusi Roundtable ’20 Tahun Sertifikasi Indonesia’
[caption id="attachment_126" align="alignright" width="300"] Going, going, gone... the fate of all protected species in production manscapes?[/caption
Megateam Revolutions
https://youtu.be/H1kd1n2SyLU Still one of my favorite drone videos...