Quite useful about the importance of forest-related data collection, analysis and dissemination in meeting the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) r
Category: qualifications
Managing Knowledge in Peatland Communities to Restore and Prevent Fire
Quite an interesting Zoominar by "Gambut Kita". More info coming soon?
Berbagi Bersama Masyarakat: Sertifikasi Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari
An online seminar by the Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC-KSK). https://youtu.be/vDzBTFuBudU
Beyond the Myths about Indonesia’s Deforestation
My warmest appreciations go to the organisers of the 1st International Conference on Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development. I got to p
Dissemination of Studies on the Achievement of SDGs by Vegetable Oils
More info soon?
Forest Stewardship Council
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) qualifications include the Forest Management Auditor Course for Auditors to FSC Standards (December 2019), the FSC Ch
International Sustainability & Carbon Certification
International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) qualifications include the ISCC Basic Training Test for Auditors and the ISCC EU and PL
Training Green Gold Label
Hands-on training by JS from Control Union Zwolle on the Green Gold Label. Looking forward to the GHG calculations training in the near future.
Sustainable Biomass Program
Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) qualifications include the SBP Training Session (August 2019). No recent audits were attended; for information on pa
IPB University
Resource Speaker at the SDGs and NRM Summer Course (July 2019).