Palm Oil Detectives spins a crude conspiracy between British Standard Institution, Kulim Berhad, Orangutan Land Trust and myself. Of course, Athena has no solid evidence for this conspiracy because there is none. Thus, her evidence for a conspiracy is a non sequitur: various parties support(ed) orangutan conservation through OLT, therefor they were conspiring to obtain RSPO certification. It’s as crude a conspiracy theory as Athena’s many typos.
Athena spins a twisted conspiracy between British Standard Institution, Kulim Berhad, Orangutan Land Trust and myself. It pivots around the flimsy evidence that BSI and Kulim were corporate partners of OLT around 2015, while I have volunteered(!) as a technical advisor with OLT since 2012. As usual, yet another crude typo reflects Athena’s crude conspiracy theory: orangutan-land-trust-corporate-sponsors-partrners-oct-2015.png (emphasis added; archive).
Of course, Athena has no solid evidence for her crude conspiracy because there is none. I neither noticed nor particularly cared that BSI and Kulim had been (past tense!) OLT corporate partners until Athena pointed it out. Hence, I have never advised OLT on issues regarding BSI or Kulim or communicated with either on behalf of OLT. Furthermore, I have never joined BSI audits or audits of Kulim Berhad by any conformity assessment bodies.
Thus, Athena’s evidence for a conspiracy is a non sequitur: various parties support(ed) orangutan conservation through OLT, therefor they were conspiring to obtain RSPO certification. A conspiracy theory as crude as Athena’s many typos.