Lately, Prof Dr Ir Siti Nurbaya (Indonesia’s Minister of Environment & Forestry) is being heavily criticised for her Ministry's decision to hal
Tag: forest
Anti-science, is she? (Part 1)
Lately, Prof Dr Ir Siti Nurbaya (Indonesia’s Minister of Environment & Forestry) is being heavily criticised for her Ministry's decision to h
EB | FSC report on palm giant Korindo lists litany of violations
The FSC’s complaints panel, which conducted the investigation, recommended that “Korindo should be disassociated from the FSC due to the clear and
CIFOR | Scientists on Indonesia’s polluting haze
“If you are poor, then using fire to clear land for agricultural use is economically rational,” Purnomo says. “We calculated that it costs aroun
Science | Reducing tropical deforestation
Primary tropical forests continue to be lost at high rates, with disturbing consequences for biodiversity, climate change, and the rights and liveliho
AN | Tesso Nilo’s elephants show signs of stress due to forest fire
"The elephants have shown a change in behavior, because the fire has made them uncomfortable," chief of the Flying Squad Team, Erwin Daulay, told Anta
FD | 12 Modal Mengelola Hutan Secara Lestari
Mungkin karena jawaban atas pertanyaan itu berada di luar domain kehutanan, sehingga logika bahwa “keberhasilan perlu modal” itu tidak harus diket
[LINK] Illegal logging: A Russian nesting doll
[caption id="attachment_1112" align="alignright" width="300"] A smallholder and his wife harvesting timber in Cameroon. Photo by: M.Edliadi/ CIFOR[/ca